Pop Shots – 5 Songs Featuring Totally Different Kinds of Love
Welcome to your weekly dose of pop world musings. Covering all things pop culture, with Valentine’s Day coming up on Friday, this week Pop Shots is all about love … but not the kind of love you see in RomComs. Instead, this column is all about totally different kinds of love, as I’ve selected five songs that cover a wide range of the emotion – from radar to rodent! Yes, you read that correctly, I said from radar to rodent! So let’s get into this love filled list, and since this is Pop Shots you know everything is seasoned with a little bit of attitude. Radar Love Having nothing to do with tracking a storm, “Radar Love” is about a love so strong you’re connected at the soul. I fear that if Hallmark were to ever get its hands on this song they’d turn in into a movie about someone who falls in love with their local weatherman, so let’s hope Gold Earring owns the rights, and no one’s estate gets any bright ideas. Tainted Love “Tainted Love” is a terrible type of love to be on ...