Stacking The Deck with Don’t Believe In Ghosts
Stacking The Deck is a feature exclusive to Adam’s World where I bring packs of 1991 Pro Set Superstars MusiCards to artists, and we discuss who they find in each pack. Don’t Believe In Ghosts are primed for a huge 2025 ... at least if the NYC-based band’s Dropbox account is any indicator. The trio of Steven Nathan (vocals), Dan DelVecchio (guitar), and Ken Yang (drums) all contribute ideas for songs in the band’s account, and according to Dan, “We got at least like 30 (ideas) going into the new year.” This, he explains, is where their song creation process starts, “We collectively work on these ideas, and then we put them all into a folder that we can access, and listen to, and maybe contribute more to, and give suggestions of where some of these ideas should, or shouldn’t go. Most of the ideas, I mean, a lot of them start with Steve … (but) whoever it starts with, we end up collectively working on it together as a band.” He adds that the timeline for how long it takes for one o...