Artist Of The Week – Theory Hazit

Back in the day whenever an album came out on Def Jam it was a must have. More recently people have felt the same way about releases from labels such as Def Jux and Rhymesayers. There was a trust with the imprint that Hip-Hop fans had that was so deep that everyone expected greatness from the company and were rarely disappointed. Over the past year a new company has emerged that’s been quietly building the same type of buzz, Hip-Hop Is Music. With standout albums by Sivion and label head Braille already in stores Theory Hazit is the next in line with Extra Credit, an album that definitely deserves some of your ear time. This week I caught up with Theory Hazit to talk to him about the album, his past, and some of the messages he hopes to get across through his work.

Adam Bernard: First off let everyone know who you are, where you're from and how you got into Hip-Hop.
Theory Hazit: My name is Theory Hazit. I was born in Winchester, KY, raised in the hood, of course... a good neighborhood. My grandmother, uncles, aunts, and my mom raised me. Me, my brother and my mama moved to Cincinnati, OH in '89. I got into Hip-Hop a few years before I moved. My first rap tape was B.A.D. by LL Cool J. I always was a Hip-Hop fan it just took a while to convince my mom, the typical single black mother, that it was OK. Around 1993-95 I started going to a local studio to record. I decided to take my music to another level. At the time, I was in a crew and being in rap groups make you hungrier.

Adam Bernard: Now you’re solo and you recently released your third full length LP, Extra Credit. On the album you speak about how you haven't led the perfect life (hey, who has?). Talk to me about some of the experiences that helped shape who you are today.
Theory Hazit: Well, being ignorant and living single lead to learning things the hard way. Needful things were robbed from me which drove me to seek God. I began living for Him and striving for perfection. Life has not been easier, but I have been able to approach difficult situations the right way and that's by losing myself and trusting in God.

Adam Bernard: How do you feel relating those experiences to others will help them?
Theory Hazit: It's common sense. If you see something wrong, you make it right. That is why my messages are so elementary, so people can relate and have hope. Tomorrow is not promised. We as a people need to stop being lazy and take care of our responsibilities and help our neighbors who are in need.

Adam Bernard: You named your album Extra Credit, which implies you're doing more than necessary. Was that the point in naming the album that, and if so, what do you feel you're doing that's going above and beyond what most feel is necessary?
Theory Hazit: Doing more than required is a part of it. There’s also the angle of taking pride in something and then lying or fronting for props. It all started with my previous records, Necrology 101 & Necrology 102. Necrology is basically the study of death. I presented that to help myself and listeners appreciate life. To become dead to the world and speak life… in the words of the legendary Roots Crew, never do what they do.

Adam Bernard: Finally, if you could affect one change in the world what would it be and why?
Theory Hazit: Cease the battle over Israel. As long as that continues, the world will remain chaotic and at war.

For more Theory Hazit check out, and
