I'm Not Talkin Spare Change

A lot of people find inspiration in strange places. For me, one of those places is the movie Swingers. Swingers was on IFC last Wednesday, so I, for the millionth time, kicked back and enjoyed the ride (Vegas baby, Vegas!). I don’t know exactly what it is about that film, but every time I see it I get inspired to hit on women (and to use "money" as an adjective). I start to show my claws and my fangs and I make an effort to be like the guy in the rated R movie (if you haven’t seen the movie you have no idea what any of that means). Luckily for me I was hitting a bar the next night with some friends of mine. I say luckily because inspiration doesn’t last forever and, believe it or not, I can be slightly reserved in a bar atmosphere. With all that in mind I hit up Bravo on Thursday and was ready to attempt to show my fangs (so to speak).

When we got to the bar it wasn’t very full but within a half hour it was packed. We ended up bumping into some more friends of ours which made our group even bigger (we were up to six people at this point) and put me even more at ease. Heck, two girls struck up conversations with me while I was on line for the bathroom. I could tell it was going to be a good night. I also had one of my friends, and his girlfriend, ready to push me into any girl I showed even the slightest bit of interest in.

After going to the upstairs section of the place I finally saw a girl I really wanted to speak with sitting on one of the sofas. She was with a few girls, and one guy, but it didn’t seem like anyone there was particularly attached to the guy, so I went over and struck up a conversation with this beautiful woman sitting on the sofa. Now bear in mind I speak with, and get flirtatious with, beautiful woman all the time for work (Paige Peterson anyone?), but when it comes to approaching someone in a bar I’m far more reserved. I find introductions awkward for the most part. When I’m interviewing someone it’s different, we already have common ground, we already know something about each other, but when it’s someone in a bar it’s two people completely unknown to each other, which, depending on how you think about it, can either be unnerving or refreshing.

After a good ten minutes of conversation I was cockblocked by a combination of the girl’s girlfriends and the clock. It was getting late, it was well past midnight, so the group left. Getting a number wasn’t the point, though, the point was to just go up to a beautiful woman and talk with her, so I felt like I had accomplished something. Over the weekend I went back to my copy of Superflirt, the body language book by Tracey Cox, my body language coach from Date Patrol, and flipped through some of the more important chapters to refresh my memory on bar pickups and what certain things mean. After rereading some of that I felt even better about how I did.

Of course this Thursday is Thanksgiving, the best holiday of them all because, much like the Adam Sandler song says, I love to eat turkey! So this Thursday there’ll be no bar hopping, just turkey carving, and I’ll be lovin it!


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