Well, it's Saturday night and I'm home alone chillin'. Looks like 2004 isn't much different from 2003 after all! LOL! It's all good. My boy is visiting, but he's out with his girl right now. Last night we went over to her house and he chilled with her and I chilled with her sister. Her sister is very cute and seems to enjoy my company. I'm not expecting it to lead to much, however, as she has had chances before and ignored them.

I've gotten started on creating the characters for my first short story of 2004. I tried some techniques I read about online and one of them REALLY worked well, the interview. Basically, I did a full length interview with each of my main characters, which ended up exposing who they are and why they are the way they are. Being that I'm a journalist the flow of it all was very natural and I ended up creating some great answers off the top of my head that gave my characters a little more in the way of depth. I'm pretty excited about getting started on story number one this upcoming Monday. I'm waiting till Monday because I'd like to take a full four days to create in-depth character profiles and a quick outline.

All is pretty quiet on the work front. My next interview is with Knoc-Turn'Al on the 8th at Elektra, at which time I'll also drop off my resume with my people at Elektra, letting them know I'm available if they need anyone in promotions. Until then I'll be focusing on my fiction writing, and Henry Rollins' Solipsist. Rollins is scheduled to be coming to Connecticut in February. I'm going to try to get tickets because the man is a genius with words and emotions. I'm still debating whether I should take a date or not. Rollins is one of those experiences that A) could scare the crap out of a girl, and B) I could just want to do alone. You know how there are sometimes albums, at least for me, that you want to listen to with no one else around because another person even breathing could ruin the listening experience? I kinda feel that way about Rollins' writing and spoken word work. Who knows, though, if the RIGHT girl comes along I will definitely be taking her.


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