Some of my best friends are dumbells

Just got back from the gym. Sometimes people ask me why I go, OK, so nobody ever asks why I go except the voice in my head that says "hey, ever wonder why you do this to yourself three days a week?" I have multiple answers for this voice. Of course, there's the health issue, I work out because it promotes a healthy lifestyle. There's the vanity issue (no, not Prince's woman from the 80's!), it's always nice to look in the mirror and like what you see. There's one more reason for me, though, and it's the reason any hardcore gym rat goes, I enjoy it. Yes, I'm a sick and twisted individual who enjoys pushing my body to it's limits every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I enjoy the feeling the next day, that soreness that tells me "yeah, ya kicked some ass yesterday. You pushed yourself." There's something very appealing about knowing what I'm doing is having a direct effect on something. There's not much in life one can do where they'll both SEE and FEEL the results of their actions, working out, though, is one of those things. Bring on the weights!


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