Vid Pick: Big Stat - Dream Killer

Don’t you hate when blogs hype up an artist all the while hiding the fact that they’re friends? Well, you don’t get that here because I’m proud to say I first met Big Stat at Hot97’s Summer Jam in 2004 (damn, homey, has it really been seven years!?!) and I’ve had him on my various radio shows and featured him in the various publications, and on the numerous sites, I write for. He hasn’t received these features because we’re friends, he’s received them because he’s a great artist and one of the hardest workers I’ve ever met in my entire life. Big Stat is on his hustle so hard that he probably tweeted about this before I even posted it. That’s right, he hustles past time and space. It's why legendary artists like Method Man and Redman have been working with him. Enjoy “Dream Killer” and see why I’ve supported this man for so many years.

For more on Big Stat check out:

Big Stat - Bigger, Better (11/2010)
Big Stat - No Longer Hushh-ed (1/2009)
True Hustle (2/2008)


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