That's not a roach, that's a blunt!

Today it's freakin gorgeous outside. It's so gorgeous, in fact, that I made sure I got out there and enjoyed it. I drove around for a bit, then went to the park. I hit up the Firehouse Deli for a sandwich, ate it at a park bench, and just chilled out and enjoyed the scenery. There is nothing better than doing nothing on a beautiful afternoon.

Earlier in the day I went to the mall. I didn't go to buy anything, I just went to walk around, see what new shops have opened and which old ones no longer exist (I STILL miss that sporting goods store they used to have that had a huge pink Caddy in front). I went into one store today that I usually avoid. I wanted to open my mind a bit to things I wouldn't usually do, so I set foot in Old Navy. Yes, I set foot in a chain store. The sad thing is, after looking around, and seeing the prices, I think I may be setting foot in there again. I love Hip-Hop, but I just can't afford to be paying $25 for my T-shirts, especially when another store has shirts for eight bucks, EIGHT BUCKS! Do you know how many Orange Julius' I could have with the difference?

I have been in and out of the city like crazy this week. On Thursday I even stayed the night. Here's a lovely NYC story for ya. I arrive at my hotel at around 1 AM. All I want to do at this point is go the bathroom and collapse. I drop my stuff in the bedroom, mosey on into the bathroom, and before I can get Mr. Happy out my pants I look over and see a GIANT fist-sized roach sitting on the toilet paper roll. This bug was so big it took up the whole roll. It looked like it thought it had the room for the night. Needless to say priority number one became getting rid of the roach. I kicked the toilet paper roll and it fell to the ground and started scrambling. I acted like bigfoot and gave it not one, not two, but THREE huge stomps. After I disposed of the body I was pretty disgusted. I still had to shower in that bathroom and I REALLY didn't want to set foot in it. I eventually got everything I needed to do done, but that wasn't the most fun of events. Oh yeah, one other thing about the hotel (which will remain nameless), the TV's had knobs! They were real life old school TV's! No remotes!!!


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