I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas yesterday. Mine was pretty good. I got to see some family and give some great gifts. I was also on the receiving end of some great gifts, as well. Now, however, I have to figure out what to do with myself for the next two weeks, or so. I already have plans to re-do my entire clips website (which may, in reality. take a month, so hopefully someone will just hire me before I have to actually go through with the revamp), plus I received quite a few books at Christmas so I have plenty of reading material. It's great that my parents know me well enough to simply go into a bookstore and find things I'll like.

On the job front 2004 is the year I give in. I love journalism, I love it like a brother, but it's just not getting the bills paid. In the new year I'm going to look to get hooked up with a label, or entertainment company, in the field of publicity. Everybody loves my articles so at the very least they know I can write well. They also see how quickly I get things done, which should be a definite positive for me. I guess I'll see what happens when the year gets started again, but I have realized that going down the path you want and going down the path that leads you to where you want to go, may, in fact, be completely different paths. The fork in the road may reconvene at a later time. Either that or there could possibly be something better for me down another path and this is God's way of saying "you idiot, go THERE!"


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